International Association

The Way of the Holy Grail Route of Knowledge, the Way of Peace

Unifying cultures and weaving peace

The Way of the Holy Grail is a unique initiative, weaving a network of synergies between different actors to build bridges of culture and peace. Through the promotion of this cultural and spiritual itinerary, it seeks to foster intercultural dialogue, tolerance and respect between peoples and communities.

Beyond a simple pilgrimage route, the Way of the Holy Grail becomes a space for meeting and mutual learning, where differences are diluted and the richness of cultural diversity emerges. A journey that invites personal reflection, contact with nature and the discovery of a unique historical and cultural heritage.





 The Pillars of Time

The Way of the Holy Grail spreads in the municipalities

The Way of the Holy Grail spreads throughout the municipalities through a wide variety of cultural activities, boosting the knowledge and participation of the local community.

Days, cultural weeks and carefully designed exhibitions allow the inhabitants to immerse themselves in the rich history and cultural legacy of this millenary route.

A cultural journey of international scope

The members of the International Association of the Way of the Holy Grail play a key role in the dissemination of the project. Through their active participation, they organise workshops, conferences, guided tours and other activities that allow the inhabitants to understand the international dimension of the Way.

A cultural journey that opens the doors to intercultural dialogue and connection with communities around the world.

Our work

News, history and interesting information about the Way of the Holy Grail

Signing of the Consortium in Naples

Signing of the Consortium in Naples

In January 2023, the Way of the Holy Grail took a monumental step in its international projection with the signing of the Consortium in Naples. This strategic agreement reinforces the cultural and spiritual value of this historic route, connecting the Valencian...

The History of the Holy Grail

The History of the Holy Grail

The Holy Grail is undoubtedly one of the most enigmatic and fascinating objects in Western history and culture. From its origins as a modest ceramic chalice to its transformation into a symbol of divine power and spiritual purity, the Grail has been the subject of...

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